
The massage

This category contains 74 posts

Involuntary erections and oxytocin in massages

I’ve had an overwhelming response to my articles about massage and nudity and a lot of questions about involuntary erections and ejaculations during a massage. It is one of those questions only a very few dare ask openly. To sum up what I’ve written in my previous posts and answered people who’ve mailed me. Erections … Continue reading »

Massage helps dealing with grief and loss

Image via Wikipedia An article on The Medical News website describes how massage helps bereaved deal with grief and find strength to better deal with the situation. Receiving soothing massages for eight weeks after the death of a loved one can provide much-needed consolation during an intense, stressful period of grieving. Touch can be very … Continue reading »

Massaging in the Zone

Image via Wikipedia Giving a massage can become like meditation for the therapist. Once immersed fully into the massage, the hands seem to be moving on their own and conscious thought is reduced to a bare minimum. My hands just “know” where to massage and what techniques to use. I can place my hands on … Continue reading »

Four hands massage

Four hands massage is a very unique and special experience. With four hands massaging one client at the same time, it feels like every part of your body is massaged at the same time. The process is really simple – two massage therapists work together to massage a client. Sometimes their moves synchronize, creating a … Continue reading »

Massage and Trust

Do you know the intent of your massage therapist? The reason why she or he is a massage therapist and enjoys giving you a massage? Are you certain that every single touch is fully professional? Can you be sure your therapist is evaluating your body for professional reasons only? Do you know the reason for … Continue reading »

Guilt of enjoying touch

Guilt and shame over enjoying a massage is more common than one would expect. Many feel guilt over relaxing and doing nothing. Others feel guilt over pampering themselves. Some feel guilt over spending the money. And others again feel guilt over enjoying the physical touch and the sensuality of the massage. Most of these things … Continue reading »

Achieve the best massage for yourself

Upon the suggestion from a reader, I here give my advice on how to gain the most benefits from a massage. This is by no means any final list or true for everybody, but aimed to give you inspiration on how to make -your- next massage experience something even better than normally. Before the massage, … Continue reading »

Is massage for me?

Image via Wikipedia Yes. I can answer yes to that question without hesitation. Practically all people can receive a massage. Due to various contraindications, the type and style of massage that suits you the best might vary. But everybody can benefit from and enjoy a massage. Many people let questions and uncertainties stop them from … Continue reading »

Can massage become addictive?

A reader asked the following question:“Is there something as massage addiction? Can going to for a massage on weekly basis harm your body on the long run ? Does your body get too used to it where you get crams if you don’t go for one anymore.” I have never heard about massage addiction or … Continue reading »

Massaging pectoralis major, importance and benefits

Image via Wikipedia Not many try to have their chest muscles (pectoralis major) massaged. Especially on women there’s the worry about the breasts and a massage becoming too intimate or crossing lines. This is rather unfortunate as it’s a very important muscle to have massaged, especially when dealing with shoulder and upper back problems due … Continue reading »
