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Geothermal Therapy, Reviews, Shamanism, Stone Medicine

Stone Medicine

Some stones used in Stone MedicineStone Medicine is a shamanic approach to stone massage based on Native American teachings and traditions. The courses are certified by the Geothermal Therapy Association and several courses are also part of the LaStone® certification program.

The focus of the courses are on the spiritual aspects of hot and cold stone massage. Each treatment is a ceremony; sacred and in respect of Mother Earth, Creator and the people involved.

What makes Stone Medicine unique is the combination of modern scientific approach to geothermal therapy and the ancient shamanic ceremonies. Safety measures, contra-indications, geothermal theory are all included and combined with the shamanic approach to wellness.

I learned Sacred Strokes I from one of the founders, Jenny Ray as part of my LaStone® certification. The course included learning about smudging, sacred symbols, laying the alter and other spiritual practices which I now include in my other treatments and in my personal life.

If you as a bodyworker are interested in the Native American spirituality and their wellness practices, I can highly recommend attending some of their courses. Even if you don’t have any bodywork background, you can find courses suitable for you.

I look forward to my next chance to learn more Stone Medicine and incorporate that learning into my processional practice and my personal life.

About Pia Poulsen

Pia Poulsen is educated as a wellness massage therapist at Institut FIGARI in Paris, from where she passed her certification exam in January 2008. Since then she has expanded her skills to become the first Advanced LaStone® practitioner in France as well as a certified LaStone® instructor.


One Response to “Stone Medicine”

  1. Hello,

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    Posted by Rendy | Saturday 20 August, 2011, 21:02
